the Device API

Use cases

Data structures

Warning ! None of the fields of the structure below must be modified directly. In this case, i can not tell how will behave the library. Unless specified, read access is of course allowed.

The dynamic memory allocation/releasing is done by the library (i hope :).

struct Device {
    int devType;                      /* DEVTYPE_FLOPDD, DEVTYPE_FLOPHD or DEVTYPE_HARDDISK */
    long size;                        /* size in bytes of the media. ADFlib is limited to 4Gb */
    int nVol;                         /* number of partitions (volumes) */
    struct Volume* *volList;          /* volumes */

    long cylinders, heads, sectors;   /* device geometry */
    BOOL isNativeDev;

    void *nativeDev;                  /* native specific and private structure */

The Partition structure is used with adfCreateHd().

struct Partition{
    long startCyl;      /* starting cylinder of the usable space : should be 2 */
    long lenCyl;        /* length of this area, in cylinders */

    char* volName;      /* name of the volume, if any. Instead filled with 0.  */

    int volType;        /* filesystem caracteristics : use the flags FSMASK_FFS, 
                            FSMASK_INTL and FSMASK_DIRCACHE                     */




struct Device* adfMountDev( char* name)


Mounts a device. The name could be a filename for an ADF dump, or a real device name like "|F:" for the Win32 F: partition.
The real device name is plateform dependent.

Return values

NULL if an error occurs, a Device structure pointer instead.


  1. Allocation of struct Device *dev
  2. Calls adfIsNativeDev() to determine if the name point out a ADF dump or a real (native) device. The field dev->isNativeDev is filled.
  3. Initialize the (real or dump) device. The field dev->size is filled.
  4. dev->devType is filled.
  5. The device is mounted : dev->nVol, dev->volList[], dev->cylinders, dev->heads, dev->sectors are filled.
  6. dev is returned
Warning, in each dev->volList[i] volumes (vol), only vol->volName (might be NULL), vol->firstBlock, vol->lastBlock and vol->rootBlock are filled !

See also

struct Device, real (native) devices


Real devices allocation : adf_nativ.c, adf_nativ.h
ADF allocation : adf_dump.c, adf_dump.h



void adfUnMountDev( struct Device* dev)


Releases a Device and frees related resources.


  1. Frees dev->volList[]
  2. Releases the ADF dump or real (native) device : call the suited function.



RETCODE adfCreateHd(struct Device* dev, int nPart, struct Partition* *partList )


Create the filesystem of a device which will be used as an Harddisk. AdfMount() must be used after to mount a volume (partition).

In case of a new ADF dump, adfCreateDumpDevice() must be called before to create an empty media of the right size.

An Harddisk ADF dump created with ADFlib -can not be- used back by the AmigaDOS, since some fields of the header structures are missing : they can not be automatically determined.

Return values

RC_OK, or Something different in case of error.


Creation of an ADF Zip disk dump :
struct Partition part1;
struct Partition **partList;
struct Device *hd;

/* Env init */

/* cyl = 2891, heads = 1, sectors = 68 */
hd = adfCreateDumpDevice("newdev",2891,1,68);
if (!hd) { /* cleanup and exit */ }

/* allocation of partlist[] */

/* the filesystem definition : size, FFS with DIRCACHE */
part1.startCyl = 2;
part1.lenCyl = 2889;
part1.volName = strdup("zip");

partList[0] = &part1;

/* creates the filesystem */
rc = adfCreateHd(hd,1,partList);
if (rc!=RC_OK) { /* something wrong, cleaning up and exit */ }

/* freeing of partList[] and part1.volName */

/* device usage */


/* Env cleanup */


  1. Creates and fill dev->volList[]
  2. Creates the Harddisk header structures on the media. It uses usually the 2 first cylinders of the device.



RETCODE adfCreateFlop(struct Device* dev, char* volName, int volType )


Creates the filesystem of a DD or HD floppy. AdfMount() must be used after to mount the only volume.

In case of a new ADF dump, adfCreateDumpDevice() must be called before to create an empty media of the right size.

An Harddisk ADF dump created with ADFlib -can be- used back by the AmigaDOS.

Return values

RC_OK, or Something different in case of error.


struct Device *flop;

/* Env init */

/* creates a DD floppy empty dump */
/* cyl = 80, heads = 2, sectors = 11. HD floppies has 22 sectors */
flop = adfCreateDumpDevice("newdev", 80, 2, 11);
if (!flop) { /* cleanup and exit */ }

/* create the filesystem : OFS with DIRCACHE */
rc = adfCreateFlop( flop, "empty", FSMASK_DIRCACHE );
if (rc!=RC_OK) { /* error : cleanup and exit() */

/* device usage */


/* Env cleanup */


  1. Allocation of dev->volList[]. It contains one volume.
  2. Creation of the volume

ADF only : adfCreateDumpDevice()


struct Device* adfCreateDumpDevice(char* filename, long cyl, long heads, long sect)


Create a file of the right size, and fills some fields of the Device structure. Must be followed by adfCreateFlop() and adfCreateHd().

Return values

the Device, NULL in case of error.


See adfCreateFlop() and adfCreateHd() examples.


  1. Allocate struct Device* dev
  2. Allocate dev->nativeDev
  3. Create an empty file with a size equals to : cyl*heads*sect*512.
  4. Open this file with "rb+" mode
  5. Fills dev->cylinders, dev->heads, dev->sectors, dev->size, dev->devType, and dev->nVol = 0.
  6. Returns dev